


Simplified Solid Phase Extraction Solutions



使用StrataTM-X SPE聚合物吸附剂可以有效缩减对未知物处理耗时的方法开发。独特的选择性可以涵盖不同分析物类型,简化方法开发程序,从而使得样品处理快速有效。

  • 通过不同固定相—分析物作用机制产生强保留
  • 通过移除包括像磷脂之类的杂质而提供卓越的色谱分析结果
  • 大颗粒、大孔径规格选择,适合于大体积或粘稠样品,以及分子量大于10kDa的目标分析物





X-C, Strong Cation Mixed Mode 固定相详细信息

目标分析物Weakly basic compounds
Compare All Phases

X-C, Strong Cation Mixed Mode 固定相


X, Drug B, Strong Cation Mixed Mode Polymer-based800ProprietaryBasic drugs of abuse
X, Drug N, Polymeric Reversed Phase 520N/A
X, Polymeric Reversed Phase Polymer-based800N/ANeutral and aromatics
X, Polymeric Reversed Phase Polymer-based800N/ANeutral and aromatics
X-A, Strong Anion Mixed Mode Polymer-based800~14Weakly acidic compounds
X-AW, Weak Anion Mixed Mode Polymer-based800~9Acidic compounds (i.e.) strong acids
X-C, Strong Cation Mixed Mode Polymer-based800~0Weakly basic compounds
X-CW, Weak Cation Mixed Mode Polymer-based800~4.5Basic compounds, particularly strong bases
X-CW, Weak Cation Mixed Mode Polymer-based800~4.5Basic compounds, particularly strong bases
XL, Polymeric Reversed Phase Polymer-based520N/ANeutrals, aromatics present in viscous samples
XL-A, Strong Anion Mixed Mode Polymer-based520~14Weakly acidic compounds present in viscous samples
XL-AW, Weak Anion Mixed Mode Polymer-based520~9Acidic compounds (i.e. strong acids) present in viscous samples
XL-C, Strong Cation Mixed Mode Polymer-based520~0Weakly basic compounds, present in large volume or viscous samples
XL-CW, Weak Cation Mixed Mode Polymer-based520~4.5Basic compounds (i.e.strong bases) present in viscous samples
文件类型 标题
手册 2022/2023 色谱产品指南 (Catalog) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Drugs of Abuse Panel from Urine by GC/MS and LC/MS (TN-0041) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 A Superior Sample Preparation of Comprehensive Drug Panel Analytes from Oral Fluid Collection Devices (TN-0100) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Analysis of Desmopressin from Human Plasma using Strata-X-CW and a Luna Omega Polar C18 Column 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Analysis of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in Aqueous Matrices, Evaluating Various Online SPE Sorbents by LC-MS/MS (TN-0116) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Antipsychotics Extracted from Human Plasma Using Microelution SPE 加入我的文档
手册 Application Guide For Researching Pain Managment Drugs 加入我的文档
技术笔记 LC/MS/MS Analysis of Underivitized Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) and Succinic Acid in Plasma Using Strata-X-AW and Luna Omega 1.6 μm PS C18 加入我的文档
手册 Cannabis Testing Guide 加入我的文档
Other Clinical Research Solutions Guide 加入我的文档
手册 Custom Method Development and Optimization Services for Clinical Research 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Determination of Vitamin D2/D3 and Pre-D2/D3 in Pet Food by LC/MS/MS (TN-0111) 加入我的文档
Other Drugs and Metabolites Guide 加入我的文档
手册 Environmental Sample Preparation Guide 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Evaluation of an Alternative Ion-pairing Chromatography Technique for the LC-MS/MS Analysis of Underivatized Biogenic Amines in Ground Beef 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Extraction and Analysis of Pentachlorophenol from Ground Water Utilizing Strata-X Solid Phase Extraction and a Kinetex 2.6 μm Polar C18 Column 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Extraction and Analysis of THC and Metabolites from Whole Blood and Urine by GC/MS (TN-2062) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Extraction of Acidic, Basic, and Neutral Drugs from Human Plasma Comparing Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges 加入我的文档
手册 Food Testing Sample Preparation Guide 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Hormones from Drinking Water by LC/MS/MS (TN-1163) 加入我的文档
手册 Improve Your Bioanalytical Assays Today 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Improved Analysis of EPA Method 625 Using Large- Particle, Large-Pore Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) (TN-0091) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Improved Recoveries using SPE vs. Liquid-Liquid Extraction (TN-0044) 加入我的文档
手册 Meet Your SPE Support Team 加入我的文档
Other Pain Panel/Pain Management Drugs Applications Guide 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Per-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) from Butter using roQ™ QuEChERS and Strata-X-AW Solid Phase Extraction by LC-MS/MS 加入我的文档
手册 Pesticide Analysis by GC/LC/Sample Prep 加入我的文档
技术笔记 PFAS from Milk, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, and Fish using QuEChERS, SPE, and LC-MS/MS 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Quantitative Analysis of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in Whole Blood Using Fast SPE and LC-MS/MS 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Sample Preparation Method to Reduce Surfactant Interference for the Quantitative Estimation of Analytes from a Pharmaceutical Drug Formulation 加入我的文档
Other Sample Preparation Selection and Users Guide 加入我的文档
网络讲座 How to Determine the Best Sample Preparation Technique for your Unique Samples 加入我的文档
技术笔记 A Simplified Approach to Sample Preparation (TN-013) 加入我的文档
手册 Strata-X Sorbent Selection Guide 加入我的文档
手册 Strata-X Mini Brochure 加入我的文档
手册 Strata-X vs. Waters Oasis 加入我的文档
手册 Strata-X Microelution 96-Well SPE Plates 加入我的文档
手册 Strata-X-Drug, SPE Sorbents Designed for Drugs of Abuse Analysis 加入我的文档
手册 Strata-X-Drug B Brochure 加入我的文档
手册 Quick and Simple Cleanup for Medicinal Chemistry 加入我的文档
Other THE Clinical Application Notebook, Volume 1 加入我的文档
手册 There's a Cleaner Way Than LLE: Supported Liquid Extraction and Solid Phase Extraction Overview 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Benzodiazepines from Urine and Plasma by LC/MS/MS (TN-0054) 加入我的文档
手册 Toxicology Greatest Hits featuring Sample Preparation and LC 加入我的文档
手册 Upgrade Your Pain Management Drug Testing 加入我的文档
Other Vitamin Testing Applications Guide 加入我的文档
Other 固相萃取 (SPE) 方法开发海报 加入我的文档
手册 样品制备简明选择和用户指南 加入我的文档
技术笔记 A Rapid Sample Preparation Method of Comprehensive Drug Panel Analytes from Oral Fluid Collection Devices using Strata-X-CW SPE 加入我的文档
技术笔记 A Selective Method for Quantitation of Underivatized Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) in Plasma 加入我的文档
技术笔记 A Sensitive Extraction and Analysis of Urinary Catecholamines Using Microelution SPE and Kinetex Biphenyl (TN-0106) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 A Simple Approach to Automated SPE (TN-014) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Acidic Drugs from Plasma by HPLC/UV (TN-0036) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Aggressive Cleanup of Sulfa Drugs (TN-010) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Amphetamines from Urine using Microelution SPE and LC/MS/MS Analysis 加入我的文档
技术笔记 An Optimized Workflow for Drugs of Abuse Testing using Strata-X-Drug B Plus In-Well Hydrolysis SPE (TN-0127) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Antipsychotics from Plasma using Microelution SPE and LC/MS/MS Analysis 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Automated Sample Preparation for a Comprehensive Drug Research Panel from Oral Fluid Using Quantisal Device(TN-0104) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Automated Sample Preparation for a Comprehensive Drug Research Panel from Oral Fluid Using Intercept i2® Device (TN-0108) 加入我的文档
Other Automated Extraction of Benzodiazepines from Urine and Plasma by LC/MS/MS (Poster) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Bisphenol A from Water by HPLC/FLD (TN-0040) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Cannabinoids from Oral Fluid by SPE and LC/MS/MS (TN-0074) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Chiral Separation of Synthetic Cannabinoid Metabolites (TN-1167) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Chloramphenicol from Shrimp by LC/MS/MS (TN-1081) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Chloramphenicol from Various Food Matrices by LC/MS/MS (TN-1120) 加入我的文档
Other Comparison of Different Whole Blood Sample Pretreatment Methods for Targeted Analysis of Basic Drugs 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Comparison of Different Whole Blood Sample Pretreatment Methods for Targeted Analysis of Basic Drugs (TN-0084) 加入我的文档
Other Corisol, Cortisone, Prednisolone, and Prednisone from Urine by SPE and LC/MS/MS 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Basic Drugs from Biological Matrices (TN-008) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Evaluation of Newer Technologies for the LC/MS/MS Analysis of Amphetamines (TN-1096) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Extraction and Analysis of Budesonide and 16α-Hydroxyprednisolone in Dog Plasma Using Strata-X and Kinetex C18 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Haloacetic Acids from Water by GC/ECD (TN-0039) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Cleanup of Polar Acids (TN-0037) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Faster Extraction of a Comprehensive Drug Research Panel from Oral Fluid (TN-0119) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Goserelin (peptide) from Serum using Microelution SPE and LC/MS/MS Analysis 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Sulfonamides from Honey by LC/MS/MS (TN-0012) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Hop Acids from Beer by HPLC/UV (TN-1085) 加入我的文档
支持文件 How to Improve Sample Preparation Accuracy, Reproducibility, and Lab-to-Lab Variation with Automation 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Barbiturates from Urine by LC/MS/MS (TN-0045) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Improved Recovery and Lower RSD Values for Drug Analysis from Urine using Strata®-X-C Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) as Compared to SPEware® CEREX® PSCX 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Instant Sensitivity Gains Without the Need to Dry Down and Reconstitute using Microelution Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) (TN-0085) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 LC/MS/MS Analysis of Immunosuppressants from Whole Blood (TN-1169) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 LC/MS/MS Analysis of Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts) from Urine and Whole Blood using a Kinetex® 2.6 μm C18 HPLC Column and Strata®-XDrug B Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 LC/MS/MS Analysis of Synthetic Cathinones (Bath Salts) from Urine and Whole Blood using a Luna® Omega 1.6 μm C18 UHPLC Column and Strata®-X-Drug B Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Metronidazole from Foaming Facial Cleanser by LC/MS/MS (TN-0049) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Nicotine, Cotinine, 3-Hydroxycotinine, Nornicotine and Anabasine in Human Urine by LC/MS/MS (TN-1161) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Oil Dispersants (COREXIT 9527 and 9500) by GC/MS and LC/MS/MS (TN-2046) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Optimization of Wash/Elution Conditions for Automated SPE of Testosterone from Plasma (TN-0017) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Oxytocin (OT) and ARG-Vasopressin (AVP) from Human Plasma by SPE and LC/MS 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Pain Management and Illicit Drugs from Oral Fluids by LC/MS/MS (TN-0068) 加入我的文档
Other Pain Panel from Whole Blood 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Palladium Catalyst Removal from a Suzuki Reaction (TN-0046) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 PCP from Urine using Microelution SPE and LC/MS/MS Analysis 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Preventing Analyte Loss by Skipping the Dry Down Step using Microelution Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) (TN-0086) 加入我的文档
手册 Protect Your Mass Spec: Sample Preparation Solutions for Biological Samples 加入我的文档
手册 Protect Your Mass Spec: Sample Preparation Solutions for Environmental Testing 加入我的文档
手册 Protect Your Mass Spec: Sample Preparation Solutions for Food Testing 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Quantitative Analysis of Cocaine Metabolites and Adulterants in Oral Fluid (TN-0122) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Rapid Extraction and Analysis of Natural and Synthetic Cannabinoids from Human Urine (TN-0118) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Digoxin and Digitoxin in Plasma by LC/MS/MS (TN-1099) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Screening and Confirmation of Synthetic Cannabinoid Urinary Metabolites using Kinetex Core-Shell Columns and a Luna Fully Porous Column (TN-1179) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X General Method for the Extraction of Neutral Compounds (TN-0023) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X-A General Method for the Extraction of Weak Acids (TN-0035) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X-AW General Method for the Extracion of Weak Acids (TN-0025) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X-AW General Method for the Extraction of Any Acid (TN-0024) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X-AW General Method for the Extraction of Weak Acids 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X-C General Method for the Extraction of Weak Bases (TN-0026) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X-CW General Method for the Extraction of Any Base (TN-0027) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-X-CW General Method for the Extraction of Weak Bases (TN-0028) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-XL General Method for the Extraction of Neutral Compounds (TN-0029) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-XL-A General Method for the Extraction of Weak Acids (TN-0038) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-XL-AW General Method for the Extraction of Any Acid (TN-0030) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-XL-AW General Method for the Extraction of Weak Acids (TN-0031) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-XL-C General Method for the Extraction of Weak Bases (TN-0032) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-XL-CW General Method for the Extraction of Any Base (TN-0033) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Strata-XL-CW General Method for the Extraction of Weak Bases (TN-0034) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Synthetic Cannabinoids and Their Metabolites from Urine by LC/MS (TN-1154) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Testosterone from Human Serum by LC/MS/MS (TN-1103) 加入我的文档
手册 The Complete Guide to Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Tricyclic Antidepressants from Plasma by LC/MS/MS (TN-0056) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Ultra-Selective and Fast Analysis of Phenylbutazone in Ground Meat using Strata-X-A (TN-0059) 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Urinary Cortisol, Cortisone, Prednisolone, and Prednisone by SPE and LC/MS/MS (TN-0069) 加入我的文档
Other Vitamin Testing Application Guide 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Cleanup of Basic Pharmaceutical Drugs from Plasma using Strata DE Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) (TN-0126) 加入我的文档
支持文件 Collection Plate and Sealing Mat Selection Guide 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Extracting Methylphenidate (Ritalin) from Plasma using Strata-X-Drug B Solid Phase Extraction 加入我的文档
支持文件 Strata-X-Drug B Plus FAQs 加入我的文档
支持文件 Strata-X-Drug SPE User Guide 加入我的文档
技术笔记 A Rapid and Robust Sample Preparation Method for Quantitation of Nicotine from Oral Fluid 加入我的文档
技术笔记 Bianalytical Sample Pre-treatment (TN-0064) 加入我的文档
支持文件 SPE 10, 12, and 24 Position Vacuum Manifold Instructions 加入我的文档
支持文件 SPE 96-Well Vacuum Manifold 加入我的文档
支持文件 Strata and Strata-X SPE User Guide 加入我的文档
支持文件 Strata-X Microelution User Guide 加入我的文档
手册 生物样品分析产品介绍 加入我的文档
支持文件 Declaration of Conformity 加入我的文档
固定相: 吸附剂质量:


描述:Strata™-X-C 33 µm Polymeric Strong Cation, 1 g / 20 mL, Giga Tubes , 20/Pk



固定相:Polymeric strong cation exchange

目标分析物:Weakly basic compounds


货号 品牌 固定相 吸附剂质量
格式 价格