
vMethod 5056165: Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Cannabis Matrices

  • Quantitation method for 59 pesticides (Oregon List) and 10 most abundant cannabinoids
  • Quantitative analysis and complete retention times per compound
Part No Description  
00F-4622-E0 Kinetex 2.6 µm Biphenyl 150 x 4.6 mm  Add to cart
AR0-9912-13 Verex Vial kit, 9 mm, 2 mL screw top, Amber 51 w/Patch
+ PTFE/Rubber cap, 1000pk
 Add to cart
AR0-9541-12 Verex Vial kit, VOA/ASE 40 mL screw top, Amber 51 w/caps
24-400 white, PTFE/Silicone open top cap, 1000pk
 Add to cart

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